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An 8 Week Guided Innovation Sprint - Free to The World

Stanford Rebuild is a global innovation sprint to develop solutions for the wide range of challenges and opportunities we will face as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Why is it important?

The impacts of COVID-19 are broad and long-lasting. We believe innovation and entrepreneurship is crucial to accelerate recovery and create a more resilient and equitable post COVID-19 world.

Who can join?

It is free and open to anyone, anywhere in the world. We invite the world’s innovators and problem solvers to help overcome challenges and create a better “new normal” for organizations and society.

When will it start?

Stanford Rebuild begins June 22 with a series of inspiring events, followed by an 8-week guided innovation sprint utilizing Stanford Embark’s toolkit, and concluding with a project showcase.


Engage Innovators

We want to encourage and support the world’s innovators and problem solvers to tackle the challenges and opportunities we will face in the coming months. We believe they have the potential to significantly accelerate recovery and contribute to a better and more equitable outcome.

Encourage Action

Innovation and entrepreneurship are engines of economic health and growth, and are particularly important in times of disruption. Disruption triggers different needs to emerge, presenting opportunities to create new products, services, and approaches for a better “new normal” for individuals, small businesses, large organizations and governments.

Offer Our Abilities

We hope that the expertise of our entrepreneurial faculty and the step-by-step guidance from the Embark toolkit will provide support and encourage teams to accelerate our path to a better post-COVID-19 world.


Anyone over 13 years old, anywhere in the world is eligible to apply for Stanford Rebuild. Stanford affiliation and prior entrepreneurial experience are notrequired. All aspects of Stanford Rebuild are available at no charge.

To learn more go to STANFORD REBUILD