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Blue Innovation: Environmental Defense Fund

DDT composition.

Blue Innovation is excited to welcome Environmental Defense Fund as an exhibitor on September 11.

Tackling a deadly solution

Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) was invented in the 1940s and became widely used in the 1960s as a pesticide and in order to kill mosquitos. DDT was extremely popular amongst farmers and growers due to its ease of use and cheap cost. During this time period, a small group of conservationists in Long Island set out to study why the osprey population was declining. One of the researchers discovered high concentrations of DDT in several unhatched osprey eggs. The group brought this discovery to the county and also requested that the county cease the use of DDT. The group’s request was ultimately rejected because the commission in charge of mosquito control replied that DDT was a cheap and easy method to kill mosquitos. 

One more shot

The group dried a different approach that is familiar to most of us today, but was uncommon for their time: they hired a lawyer, spent months building a case, and went to court on behalf of the environment. Ultimately, DDT was banned in the county in 1966 and then banned statewide in 1970 after insurmountable scientific evidence proved the devastating and deathly effects DDT had on birds, crustaceans, and later, humans. 

Fighting for the future

Today, the group is known as the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF). EDF has become one of the world’s leading environmental non-profit organizations with 750 staff members, 1 million members, and partnerships with 28 countries. EDF expanded to include experts on oceans, ecosystems, climate, energy, science, health, economics, and advocacy all aiming to tackle environmental challenges. To learn more, go to: