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Intentional Leaders Delivers Program for Tech

Janice Drescher, owner of Intentional Leaders, has over 25 years’ experience as an executive leadership coach and trainer, empowering her clients to be authentic leaders who live their passion. Janice shows her clients how to build effective and profitable organizations that empower managers to achieve results through their teams. 

As part of her business, she offers a unique leadership and team building retreat with horses resulting in powerful insights for healthy work relationships, collaboration and creative problem-solving.

Prior to founding her company in 1999, Janice spent 13 years coaching business owners at Michael Gerber’s E-Myth organization.  As VP Consulting and Training, she played a key role in the development and rollout of the program that licensed certified E-Myth consultants around the world. 

Janice has a horse named Ginger Snap and enjoys spending time playing at liberty with her in the magical dance that’s possible when a horse engages with you of their own free will, without equipment or force. 

Janice has a BA from Simmons College in Spanish, an MAT from Wesleyan University in Spanish/Education, an ED.S from Stanford University in Curriculum and is a Certified Equine Interaction Professional (CEIP). 

Intentional Leaders Key Executive Coaching and Training Services & Product Offerings:

  1. Executive Coaching: To create the necessary shift in thinking that facilitates profitable business results, workplace wellbeing and work-life balance.

  2. Work Flow Documentation (aka Best Practices or Systems Development): For consistent outcomes that meet company/team standards. 

  3. People Management Toolkit – “Empowering Work Relationships”: A management toolkit that helps managers establish and maintain predictable outcomes and healthy work relationships in an environment of shared expectations, agreement and accountability. The EWR Toolkit is focused on helping managers get results through others. 

  4. Team Building and Leadership Retreats with Horses (Held in the Santa Cruz, CA): A unique retreat opportunity that partners with horses (free of equipment – no riding) as the co-facilitators and offers powerful insights about effective relationships, creative problem solving and the self-empowerment that results from enhanced awareness, presence and intention. The lessons learned from the horses translate to the workplace for improved work relationships and performance.

A Message from Janice Drescher

Intentional Leadership is a leadership model based on an invitation to engage in an inspired vision fueled by passion. Intentional Leadership is all about allowing ideas that match your vision vs. controlling outcomes.

Intention and Presence are key aspects of the Intentional Leadership Model. In the context of business, Intentional Leadership has at its core a clear and strong intention that drives the business owner’s vision. It feels good to be around this kind of leader because they are present and passionately engaged in a clear intention. Intention drives vision. The pathway to intention is presence. When you are connected with your core instincts through a state of presence, there is a flow of ideas and possibilities that you might not otherwise experience.

Leaders who are connected to themselves and others in this way, have the ability to rally people around them who are inspired by their vision and excited to engage in it. An Intentional Leader has room for others’ ideas. They aren’t threatened by others’ engagement. On the contrary, they invite it and know the value of others' input.  

This kind of leader has a magnetic quality that attracts the attention of people who are drawn to the leader’s passion for his/her vision. 

As a Business Coach, my business owner clients often tell me that they don’t know what they should be doing or saying as a leader. If there is a lack of leadership from the business owner, it will be reflected in the performance of the team.

Intentional Leadership is a leadership model that can shift apathy and lack of accountability to engaged participation in delivering the company’s products and/or services. This starts with the recruitment process. A recruitment process that focuses on expressing the company’s passion for achieving its vision and exploring whether the candidate is a good match, is going to attract candidates who are excited about engaging in that vision. Anything short of this may result in an apathetic team that doesn’t pay enough attention to produce the desired results; that is unless you are lucky!