Santa Cruz Works

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Introducing CAAAS: Clean Air as a Service

Quite a lot has has been said recently about the pandemic-related challenges facing building and facility owners/operators are going to impact everything from workers returning to the office to the reopening of schools to industrial complexes handing social distancing.

But how will COVID-19 impact your building's reopening and - more importantly - it's long-term operation?

New research reveals forward-looking lessons for building owners/operations as they navigate their reopening strategies. According to a survey conducted by Cisco, nearly 9 out of 1O building managers (87%) said that as a result of the COVID pandemic they now have an increased focus on improving occupant safety and comfort.

At its most basic level, building HVAC systems have a wide variety of both mechanical and electronic equipment designed around a core set of parameters, such as location, typical local weather patterns, and regional outdoor air quality.

But these systems are not equipped to handle the air purification standards that your building needs to both successfully reopen and operate in a Covid 19 world, including the elimination of all those microscopic aerosol particles that consist of viruses, bacteria and other pathogens that otherwise are continuing to circulate throughout the ventilation systems of your building.

This new technology provides a sensible approach to helping you formulate a strategy to reopen and operate your building, facility or institution in a Covid 19 world, and most importantly how to accomplish it without risking any of your own capital.

Convergence Wireless Services LLC (CWS) is a professional services consultant to mid and large-cap companies and organizations working on all aspects of air purification, energy, and water conservation solutions. For clean air, their technology is Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization.

Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization

NBPI is a patented technology that uses an electronic charge to create a plasma field filled with a high concentration of+ and - ions. As these ions travel with the air stream, they attach to particles, pathogens and gas molecules and help to agglomerate fine sub-micron particles, making them filterable.

The ions kill the pathogens by robbing them of life-sustaining hydrogen, and breakdown harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with an electron volt potential under twelve (eV<12) into harmless compounds like oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and water (02, CO2, N2 & H20).

The ions produced then travel within the air stream into the occupied spaces, cleaning the air everywhere the ions travel - even in unseen spaces.

How Bipolar Ionization Works

Santa Cruz Works has invited CWS to present at one of our upcoming New Tech events. Stay tuned, and enjoy the clean air.