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Jane Technologies - Sales From $100 Million to $1.6 Billion In Just One Year

Turning your passion into a billion-dollar company is exactly what Socrates Rosenfeld did. 

After spending seven years in the military as a helicopter pilot, Socrates suffered from a post-traumatic stress disorder and turned to cannabis for healing therapy. 

He always knew that the plant had healing factors. He then used his eCommerce skills to make purchasing cannabis online a simple process for others too. 

In turn, his company, Jane Technologies, has supported local cannabis retailers across the nation.

Socrates has learned that he’s only human, and often made mistakes through the years. His philosophy is to own them, learn the lesson and move on. As you read further, you’ll learn how to stay authentic, take risks, follow your own passions, and never stop believing in yourself and your product.

“After a successful 2019, the pandemic hit the world in 2020, and Socrates became focused on funding for his business. The pandemic forced consumers to do their shopping online, and cannabis became a big part of that. This boosted Jane’s sales, from about $100M gross merchandise value in 2019 to $1.6B in 2020. Socrates is confident that Jane Technologies will now do about $3.5B, and foresees a lot of growth in the upcoming years.” Article / podcast Alejandro Cremades

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