Santa Cruz Works

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Join a Shared Media Creator Space in Santa Cruz!

Local media companies Concept and Brick House Media are opening their doors to share their workspace with other local media creators!

Now you can share this collaborative and creative media space on River St. and upper Pacific St. super close to downtown. An open ground floor access building shared with other video, editing, photography, and media creators. The intention is to support one another, collaborate when appropriate, and be a space for creators in our town. 

Details on the rental space: offering one shared office room at 11'x15' with a built-in green/blue screen video space alongside Jared Brick, founder of Brick House Media Co, a local media marketing company. This space is ideal for one person with one desk, with lots of natural light as windows ground floor. Another option for individuals or small teams of 2-5 people is the open desk space area. Currently, an open area can be extended and rearranged, as needed based on people's needs. 

The space is complete with a shared kitchen, bathroom (no shower), a 6-person meeting table, a lounge area with a smart TV for casting, and safe security! Easy and free off-street parking lot on-premise. Ideal for the right fit professional, and the goal is to keep the space focused on media folks for now. If needed the space can accommodate parking for work trucks and planning for future live events (think food trucks and music) hosted at the location. Rentals start at just $400 per person, per month, with no long-term commitment, plus include all utilities and wi-fi. To learn more contact Jacob Beau @ to visit the space. 
