Santa Cruz Works

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MERGE4 Launches Their Fuel The Future High School Art Contest

Santa Cruz-based sock brand, MERGE4, is pleased to announce the launch of their Fuel the Future 2021 art contest. High school students across the U.S. are invited to submit their original artwork for the opportunity to have their art on a pair of MERGE4 socks with a royalty contract with the brand that will benefit their school’s art program.

All art submissions will be posted to MERGE4’s website on a public gallery and the top 5 submissions will be voted on by the public. Each submission will be judged on creativity, originality, and overall execution.

Current high school students can submit entries via Instagram through September 30th, 2021. Submissions should be posted to Instagram with the hashtag #fuelthefuture2021 and tagged with @merge4socks. Instagram posts and accounts must be public for the submission to be seen.

“When I was starting out as an artist, contests were a great starting point,” says MERGE4 Director of Design and Brand Management, Cole Lemke. “They help motivate me to complete tasks, challenged me to bring my best work and improve upon that work, and allowed me to add notable accomplishments to my work history. We hope this contest brings motivation, attention, and potential opportunities for young artists as well as produces a cool new sock design for MERGE4.”

The opening of the art contest coincides with back-to-school season for many students this fall and aims to give young artist the opportunity to receive recognition for their talents and dedication. The winner of the contest will be announced on October 20th and will begin the production process with MERG4’s in-house design team.

In addition to the selected winner’s original art being turned into socks, the chosen artist will receive a prize package from MERGE4 and a portion of the proceeds from their design will go directly to their high school’s art program.

For more information, visit or contact MERGE4 directly via email at