Santa Cruz Works

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Treasure Cove at Jade Street Park: Building Inclusivity and Fun for All Ages and Abilities!

Universally accessible playgrounds are designed so users of all ages and abilities can explore the power of play while building mental, physical, and social skills. Their design promotes health and wellness whether you’re a child, parent, caregiver, or senior.

The City of Capitola and nonprofit County Park Friends launched a public-private partnership to create Treasure Cove at Jade Street Park, Capitola’s first universally accessible playground. County Park Friends is raising $1 million; the City of Capitola will provide the balance of the $1.82 million projected cost. The Monterey Peninsula Foundation recently issued a matching challenge of $250,000. For every dollar raised for the playground, the foundation will provide a 1:1 match up to a quarter of a million dollars.

Treasure Cove will provide a unique play environment for children with disabilities and an avenue for all children to learn inclusion, compassion, and acceptance. The marine-themed playground will feature adaptive equipment such as a wheelchair-accessible merry-go-round, accessible slides, bucket swings, rubberized surfacing, and a ramped, lighthouse play structure.

Your support can make this dream a reality for our community and help create a space where every person can feel like they belong.