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Unlocking the Potential of Government Grants

Did you miss our FREE clinic on unlocking the potential of government grants? Here is a recap:

Sophia Cook from Larta Institute discussed their organization's mission to accelerate entrepreneurship and innovation, with a focus on supporting startups in various sectors including nature preservation, food, water, and energy systems. Larta Institute has several different programs such as the Commercialization Assistance Program via the US Department of Energy or USDA, Technical & Business Assistance Programs (TABA), and Community Labs. Although Larta is primarily based in L.A., they provide national assistance. Sophia then presented on the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, explaining its funding and application process, eligibility requirements, the innovation lifecycle phases, and how they, Larta, assist in customizing engagement based on the awardees' needs. Sophia shared examples of Alumni companies they’ve worked with such as Living Ink, Mango Materials, and the type of support Larta has provided them with. Larta has products and tools portfolio for startups ranging from supporting business strategy, market insights, sales and marketing, capital and fundraising, legal and IP, and regulatory.

Contact: Sophia cook (