Santa Cruz Works

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Yes on Measure Q

Santa Cruz Works is proud to support Measure Q, the Santa Cruz County Water & Wildfire Protection Act. It’s essential that we safeguard our natural resources, reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire, and protect our water sources that are essential to sustain our thriving economy and community.

Measure Q will invest in projects that make Santa Cruz County’s forests, oceans, beaches, and open spaces more resilient. With this measure, we can enhance our community’s ability to withstand future natural disasters that pose significant risks to our region, impacting everything from tourism to housing.

Now more than ever, we need oversight and accountability to guide spending of precious public funds. Measure Q includes strict controls to ensure funding goes only toward impactful local projects. Measure Q requires an oversight board of residents from across Santa Cruz County recommend projects for funding based on the most significant needs, like reducing wildfire risk.

Our community has come together to support Measure Q. From nonprofit advocates like Save Our Shores and County Park Friends to fire safety groups such as the Fire Safe Council and the Professional Firefighters of Santa Cruz County (Local 3535), a united front has formed to support this initiative. Leaders like Congressman Jimmy Panetta, Senator John Laird, Assembly Members Dawn Addis and Gail Pellerin, Mayors Fred Keeley and Vanessa Quiroz-Carter, and hundreds of other elected officials and community members have endorsed Measure Q. They all believe in investing now to ensure Santa Cruz County can thrive long into the future.

The Santa Cruz Works team hopes that you will join us in supporting Yes on Measure Q.