October 2, 2019: Hardware 2020
Drako Motors, Modarri, and more… See the hottest new hardware that will hit market in 2020 or sooner. Learn about Design Methodology and how to apply it to your next business project. The Drako GTE, a 1,200-HP, Hyper-Handling EV Supercar will be on display at the event. GET TICKETS NOW!
September 4, 2019: Get Biotech
David Deamer, David Haussler, Cephasonics, Claret Biosciences, CruzFoam, SACNAS, Startup Sandbox, UCSC, more... Santa Cruz is a hot bed for biotech. Ten (10) local and regional innovative companies will present their solutions and jobs. GET TICKETS NOW!
Louis Riccardo
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