CEO Works will now take place on Wednesdays.
Lunch, Learn, and Connect!
Are you successfully growing your business but struggling with hiring? Maybe it's hard to find the right candidates, maybe you lose people right after you hire, or maybe you're having a lot of turnover. In this talk with Bill Richter, Attorney, and Candice Elliott, HR Strategist, you'll learn:
how to avoid costly mistakes that you might not even know you're making
tips and tricks for hiring and onboarding to not only keep you compliant but attract & keep the best, most qualified candidates
retain your staff so that you keep a solid foundation as you grow
You'll walk away knowing interviewing best practices, where to find California state resources for employment issues, how to avoid missteps during mergers and acquisitions, tips for using ChatGPT to create time-consuming documentation, an interviewing standard operating procedure that you can adapt to the unique needs of your company, and an understanding of foundational elements of culture building that will help you keep a creative, innovative team.
See you on Wednesday, April 26! Please register via Eventbrite!
What to Bring
Thoughts on your current company culture and team
Your company mission and current hiring process
All questions hiring and staff related
Seating is limited to 30 persons and is open to SCW CEO Works members. If you are an existing SC Works Business Partner, use your unique promo code for a discount. If not, there is no time like the present to join the SC Works Partner community! JOIN >BUSINESS