Four PVUSD Administrators Honored by ACSA Regional
Photo by: Kenny Eliason (Unsplash)
Everyone remembers their favorite teacher. Whether it was your elementary school English teacher who encouraged you to keep writing, your middle school mathematics teacher who recommended you for the higher level course, or the high school history teacher who let you sit in their room during lunch break, everyone has an educator who truly helped shape their academic experience for the better. These individuals went above and beyond their typical work duties, instilling within you the knowledge that you can do anything you set your mind to, no matter the obstacles you endured. The Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) has done commendable work in recognizing such stellar educators who mold the future generations of tomorrow. This year, the Pajaro Valley Unified School District (PVUSD) is pleased to announce that four of its administrators have been recognized by ACSA as Regional Administrators of the Year. Let’s celebrate their dedication and commitment to fostering academic excellence and student success!
Heather Bailey
Heather Bailey
Bailey is a principal at Radcliff Elementary, and she has been acknowledged for creating a supportive learning environment for all her students. Under her guidance, Radcliff Elementary students have thrived academically and socially, benefiting from a dynamic, nurturing atmosphere that prioritizes their growth and well-being. In being presented with the Elementary Principal of the Year award, Bailey expressed her immense honor and gratitude, citing her students as her primary motivators for making change. “Every day, I am inspired by the passion and resilience of our students and the collective commitment of our staff to create a learning environment where excellence and inclusivity thrive.”
Rich Arellano
Rich Arellano
Arellano is the director of the PVUSD purchasing department, specializing in resource allocation and contract management to ensure that district operations run smoothly and efficiently. Through strategic planning and careful oversight, Arellano plays a crucial role in securing the resources necessary for student and staff success. Upon receiving the prestigious Business Services Administrator of the Year award, he expressed his profound honor and humility, saying, “I am proud to support PVUSD schools and programs in our shared mission to provide the best educational opportunities for all of our students.”
Claudia Monjaras
Claudia Monjaras
As the Director of Curriculum and Instruction at PVUSD, Monjaras has led efforts to develop student-centered learning programs and enhance educational outcomes throughout the district. Her leadership has been instrumental in implementing innovative strategies that support students in achieving academic success. Monjaras has been honored as the Curriculum and Instruction Administrator of the Year for her leadership in these areas. She expressed her gratitude for the recognition, stating, “I am truly honored and humbled to receive this recognition. I deeply appreciate the trust and confidence placed in me and am eager to continue the collaborative work with my PVUSD colleagues in supporting the continued growth and success of our students and educators.”
Lisa Sandoval
Lisa Sandoval
Lisa Sandoval, the Director of Child Development at PVUSD, has played a vital role in overseeing and strengthening the district’s early education programs. Her leadership has been instrumental in advancing initiatives that support young learners and ensure they receive high-quality educational experiences. Recognizing her dedication and impact, she has been named the Central Office Administrator of the Year. Upon receiving the honor, Sandoval said, “This is such an amazing honor. I am truly grateful for the support from our community of educators and the families we serve. Thank you!”
“We are extremely proud of Heather, Rich, Claudia, and Lisa for their outstanding leadership and dedication to our students. This recognition is a reflection of their commitment to providing high-quality education and supporting the entire PVUSD community. We are thrilled that three of them are moving forward to be considered for state-level honors. They embody the values of excellence and service that define our district.”
Beyond receiving this well-earned regional recognition, Heather Bailey, Rich Arellano, and Claudia Monjaras have also advanced as contenders for the ACSA State-level Administrator of the Year Award. Their dedication and leadership have made a lasting impact, and we congratulate all the honorees on this well-deserved recognition.