Santa Cruz Works

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6th Annual Santa Cruz Works Green Tech

Joby Aviation, Mynt Systems, OurEnergy, SupplyShift, Ambient Photonics, VeriCool, Concentric Power, more

This event is co-sponsored by City of Santa Cruz.

Our 6th Annual Green Tech event will focus on energy resilience. We expanded the event to 2 days, 1 hour per day. Register once, and you will receive a Zoom link for both nights. And check out this line up!

May 5: Energy policy, storage, infrastructure

May 6: Energy solutions and applications

  • City of Santa Cruz - learn about our city's environmental policies and plans from Tiffany Wise-West.

  • Joby Aviation - the gem of all-electric air mobility. JoeBen Bevirt will discuss how advances in energy storage has made air taxi service a reality.

  • Bird Scooters - Robert Singleton, will give us the scoop on how the growth of micromobility has become our path forward, and leaves out-dated transportation in the dust.

  • Ambient Photonics - Bates Marshall has a revolutionary ambient light cell for indoors. Learn about how his company is changing energy consumption.

  • VeriCool - Darrell Jobe built his green company to solve package cooling. And he provides real jobs for people who have taken a new path in society after incarceration.

  • Piersica / Claudiu Bucur ushers in a new era of solid state batteries.

  • Orange Charger - Nicholas Johnson has a cost-effective electric vehicle charging solutions that manage payments for energy at multi-unit properties between drivers and owners.

Get your tickets now!