Carnot Compression Moves to Field Testing
FD3 & Engineering team
Exciting news from the Carnot team. They have been busy testing with their Freeze Design 3 “FD3” compressor in their Reno facility and will be moving to the field test phase with this unit in Q1 2021. Carnot will be commissioning this machine at an industrial location in California.
Prototype Rendering of FD4
Introducing FD4
FD4 represents the continuous evolution of our technology from proof of concept test bed to a commercial ready product. Some of the major design improvements include:
A more compact, vertical arrangement
Less mechanical losses and ease of maintenance through a direct-drive arrangement
Enhanced controls through a PLC
A modular, low-cost heat exchange system
The ability to easily incorporate on-site heat recovery for even greater savings
Broad Customer Interest
Carnot has received many inquiries from customers interested in purchasing our compressor. One of the really exciting things is the variety of industries that are excited about our technology.
“It’s amazing how broadly oil-free compressed air is used, from milking cows to painting cars to brewing beer, to name just a few. Stay tuned as we hope to be operating at a wide variety of locations in 2021.” Todd Thompson / CEO.
Carnot Compression presented in Santa Cruz Works’ Community Speed Investing on December 8, 2020. With Regulation Crowdfunding, Carnot has raised over $320,000. Anyone can invest for as little as $100.