Chorestop: a New Virtual Service for Every Chore
Kailua, Oahu HI
This interview with Greg Lowrance of Chorestop: He spoke with SCW all the way from Kailua Hawaii (the most beautiful place on Earth). Chorestop is a new virtual service for every chore. Greg will present on November 2, 2022 at the Santa Cruz Works New Tech. Get your free tickets now!
SCW: How did you come up with Chorestop?
Greg Lawrence
Greg: The conception of ChoreStop and my journey is something I’ve never done before. I am not one to stand on mountain tops and scream out my ideas for everyone to hear. But I feel it’s time to share what I have been working on for quite a while now and see if there is some interest from potential investors.
While I was in Los Angeles working in the entertainment industry the pandemic had shut down so many things that in May 2020 I decided to close my office in order to go be with my elderly mother as a caregiver as my father was in assisted living.
Having a small boutique talent management company I was barely making it & able to do everything online and on the phone thank goodness but as you may be aware the entertainment industry slowed down to a grinding halt. After several months of trying to think about different things to do it hit me one day the world had really changed. I also noticed that e-commerce had risen substantially and the DIY market continues to grow, so how would it be possible to combine the two with a service? Hmmmmmm!
Keeping this in mind I felt and still do that a lot of service’s are going to be this way In the future and from this point forward a live streaming professional help platform could really help if it were put together correctly and have all of the proper components. So Let the conceptualizing begin! From August 2020 until November 2020 I thought of all the services, domain name, design and everything that would come with it along with additional services needed or plug-ins.
In early November 2020 the developers began construction of the platform and the journey was underway. Up at 5 AM every day to work with the developers in their evening time became a daily ritual and all of the things that go behind a larger platform like this took a lot more time then I realized.
As of the last several months I tried to come up with a way to generate revenue on the website so I applied for numerous affiliate marketing programs and have been approved for a lot of major brands along with several big box store affiliate programs that would also be on the platform for price comparison and shopping. Although it is a great added bonus to the platform it still doesn’t answer the much needed traffic question that investment would provide for marketing.
I feel that ChoreStop is disruptive along with being global and adjustable to any language in any country as service professionals in each country can speak to their customers in their native language. I also feel this SaaS service will do a lot of people and lot of good because we all know that service professionals can definitely overcharge people for the smallest of things that we can actually do ourselves with a little professional guidance. So what you’re looking at is a combination between DIY videos on YouTube that are no brainers and someone coming to the house in order to overcharge you when you can do it yourself with a little guidance.
In my humble opinion the platform really needs someone that understands monetizing SaaS, marketing & truly sees the vision. The platform took a year and a half to complete which is a little longer than I had anticipated which now brings us up to the present. Yes, I’m still taking care of mom first of all and In my humble opinion the platform really needs someone that understands monetizing SaaS, marketing & truly sees the vision. I am looking for an Angel or VC Capital for a bit of design, marketing, and video production that the platform needs in order for it to go to the next level. I hope this finds you and yours well and look forward to our possibilities in the future.
SCW: Can we visit you in Kailua?
Greg: I love this place, but Santa Cruz is my second favorite place in the world.