Data and Experience Design for Education

From the productOps website

The largest system of higher education in the nation, the California Community Colleges (CCC), has 115 colleges serving more than 2.1 million students annually. The colleges drive university admissions and provide a skills-based, career education needed to secure good-paying jobs. With an annual throughput of more than $2bn CCC needed a way to facilitate their grant management process and measure funding effectiveness to achieve their stated goals.

The productOps designed NOVA software platform increased student success rates through more efficient and relevant program creation, better fund management, and enhanced data management across the entire CCC system. The statewide system allows easy program proposal, program review, and fulfillment while offering real-time metrics to help gauge student success and match college programs to local community workforce needs. 

We at productOps are proud to contribute our expertise to this important institution that touches millions of young lives every day.

“Thank you. With the NOVA platform, productOps built what we needed – not what we thought we wanted.” - Rock Pfotenhauer, Chair of Bay Area Community College Consortium

Matthew Swinnerton