Digital NEST is $12,816 away from hitting the goal of raising $50,000!

From the Digital NEST Newsletter

The Codiga Family challenged Digital NEST this December to raise $50,000. To date, we have raised $37,184 in just 3 weeks! $37,184, thanks to supporters like YOU who have accepted the challenge and made generous contributions to this campaign because you believe in the mission of the NEST, you believe in the infinite potential of our youth, and you believe in equity! 

The Codiga Family Foundation is giving The NEST an opportunity to TRIPLE our impact, an impact that will give all our local youth the opportunity to reach their full potential.

We need your continued support to meet this goal by the New Year. Consider contributing to the Codiga Challenge by accepting the challenge below. Already given? Help spread the word by sharing this with someone you feel would be inspired by the work Digital NEST is doing in Watsonville and Salinas to bridge the digital divide.
