First Annual Get Biotech 2019 a Success!

Over 250 people filled every seat in the house for the first annual Get Biotech 2019. Keynote speaker David Deamer enthralled the audience with his journey which started with a Sunday drive, conceiving an idea, pulling over to the side of the road, sketching it out, and going on to become a cornerstone of the massive nanopore growth industry.

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David Haussler continued the journey describing UCSC’s nanopore research and how it has resulted in the mind-bending decrease in DNA sequencing costs that beats Moore’s Law by orders of magnitude.

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We then heard from Claret Bio, CruzFoam, SACNAS, Pinpoint, Startup Sandbox, Aeroasis, Somagenics, Island Conservation, Dovetail, and Unnatural Products. Over 25 job openings were offered ranging from engineering to product management, sales and marketing.

“Santa Cruz is a hub for biosciences” said Bill Richter. “This event was the first of its kind highlighting the successes of our bioscience businesses. Please do this event again soon!” Richter Law Offices will provide a free workshop on “Emerging US Legal & Regulatory Issues for Biosciences” in September. Date TBA soon.

Big BIG BIG thanks to Jenny Kurzweil of SACNAS and Lynn Brazil of UCSC who helped make this event possible.

The presentation for the entire event can be found at: Get Biotech 2019. Videos of the event will be attached to this site by September 15, 2019.

Also thank you to Kara Meyberg Guzman of Santa Cruz Local for her report on local issues. Santa Cruz Works is a proud supporter of Santa Cruz Local.

If you attended this event, please feel free to Comment below.


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