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Goals or Habits: 7 Great Habit Tracking Apps

One of the benefits of shelter-in-place (SIP) is that it has changed our behaviors, and given us time to reflect on what is important in our lives.  Many of us may have taken time to reflect on our life goals, and our daily habits.  

In very broad terms, a goal is the idea of a future or a desired result.  A habit is a routine behavior. Which is more important: the goal or the habit?

In Sam Harris’ Making Sense podcast #200, he interviews James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, a New York Times bestseller that has sold more than 1 million copies worldwide.

Goals are important, but winners and losers have the same goals.  Consider athletes who compete in the Olympics.  Everyone of them has a goal to win a gold medal.  If 100 people are competing for a job, they all have the same goal to get hired.  A goal is necessary, but not sufficient for success.  You need habits to get you to your goal. 

Yes, there are good habits, and bad habits.  Bad habits form so easily and quickly.  It is human nature to pick the path of the least resistance, the fastest path to reward and gratification.  Good habits take effort and time.  One hour of exercise does not make an Olympian.  One engineering class in college does not make a coder or engineer.  

Habits create identity. Habits reinforce your sense of identity. Every action you take, is a vote for the person you want to become.  Habits create undeniable evidence that you are that person you want to be. 

Habits are not a finish line to be crossed, they are a lifestyle to be lived.

The goal is NOT to run a marathon, it is to become a runner.  

There are many habit tracking apps, for everything from athletics to zentrepreneurship.  Below are a few that we recommend.  If you are using a great habit tracking / building app, please share in the Comments below.

Be the architect of your habits, not the victim.  

7 Great Habit Tracking Apps

  • Momentum Habit Tracker: track your habits and routines.  Set weekly targets

  • Habitica: very creative app with games to keep you inspired 

  • StickK: developed by behavioral economists at Yale, you start by contract with yourself to reach your goals. You can even bet money on yourself. 

  • Streaks: An Apple design award winner, helps you stay motivated for 12-day streaks. 

  • Waking Up: guided meditation for serious meditation and exploration of the mind.   

  • Calm: guided meditation with daily nuggets of wisdom.  

  • Strava: a social-fitness network, primarily tracks cycling and running exercises, using GPS data