Hometown Heroes Nominees: Antonia Bradford, Darrie Ganzhorn, SC Public Libraries, John MacMillan

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We have received more than 40 nominee submissions for Hometown Heroes 2020. This week, we spotlight 3 people, and 1 organization. Get your tickets now to learn who the 10-15 winners are at our virtual awards event at 7pm PT Wednesday, December 2, 2020.

Nominee: Antonia Bradford


In response to acts of racism in Boulder Creek, Antonia Bradford formed a community group dedicated to taking action against racism. In response to the CZU fire where she lost her own home in the Santa Cruz Mountains, Antonia formed a support, information, and resources group to help others who lost their homes. This kind of rapid action on a hyperlocal level is incredibly effective and worthy of hero recognition. SLV Coalition Against Racism and SLV Support Group for Home Loss-CZU Lightning Complex fires

Darrie Ganzhorn


Darrie has been the executive director of The Homeless garden Project for 29 of the 30 years that the organization has been in existence. She simply doesn't stop working to better the lives of those experiencing homelessness in Santa Cruz County, working tirelessly often deep into the night. She has embodied everything we hold dear in this community. She is compassionate, determined, wise and secretly funny as hell. Santa Cruz is a better place because of her.

Santa Cruz Public Libraries

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No one was more surprised than the SLV community when their gorgeous new library in Felton was closed in March just 3 weeks after the amazing grand opening. The staff was buzzing with new programs and ideas that, in an instant, disappeared. Learning to pivot is an understatement for a profession whose primary mission involves interacting with the public to inspire, inform, and connect. As the months of closure have continued, library services have been reinvented both virtually and in the branches. Developing entire new system for getting books into the hands of the community has been a lifesaver in these challenging times, especially to the hard-hit fire ravaged mountain communities. As the months go on, fines have been suspended, hours for pick up extended, and new ways of delivering services continue to be rolled out. Now more than ever, we are grateful for the institution of the library where we store and share our collective interests. There is no doubt that, despite reduced staff and budget, the SCPL will carry on with innovative ideas throughout the pandemic, and our communities will continue to be the recipients of a hard-working and creative organization. Nominee is Susan Nemitz and the entire Santa Cruz Public Library staff.

John MacMillan


John has harnessed UCSC testing and COVID-19 response efforts, bringing an ordered, steady approach that galvanized action from scientists and staff, while keeping an eye on the overarching goal: to support the community of Santa Cruz, including the insured, essential workers and the campus through -- and out of -- the pandemic.

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