LSCC Class 38 Application Deadline May 31

LSCC is a nearly 40 year old institution dedicated to educating, connecting and training leaders for our community. I'm convinced that if we identify and support 50 leaders a year for a decade, the results will be transformative.

Applications are now open for our 38th class. If you or someone you know are in a leadership role and would benefit from developing skills, connecting with others and learning about our county, I'm hoping that you/they will apply.

LSCC participants must commit to 9 Fridays and a two-day retreat from August through June. There is a detailed description of the program and topics at The deadline is May 31st. Scholarships are available. We are committed to ensuring that the class reflects the diversity of our county in every way.

We've heard from so many people that participating in LSCC changed their lives. They made a connection that was critical to their career or now understand our community in a deeper way. Join us!

Matthew Swinnerton