Santa Cruz Works

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Today’s Date: March 100+. So How Are We Doing?

The pandemic has taken our city by storm. As a thriving startup and business scene were put under pressure, our community is still adapting in the face of unprecedented uncertainty. While the outlook may at times seem bleak, there are beacons of positivity that will continue to power us forward.

In reference to our business community, Santa Cruz Works has doubled down on our mission to bring our tech community together to network, mobilize new technologies, and innovate. While we are a small organization we have seen incredible passion and growth in our community. As we publish original news content and promote startups and initiatives in our vicinity, we have seen:

  • 60% increase in web traffic

  • 170% increase in new subscribers last quarter

  • 100% renewals

These metrics, while only a small representation of the challenging context of the present day, give hope about a growing passion for progress in our community. We continue to work tirelessly to bring important information to the forefront and support our community.

From Santa Cruz Economic Development Director Bonnie Lipscomb

We have been impressed with the thoughtful and measured approach businesses are taking in response to the ever evolving industry guidance and requirements for social distancing. Businesses have adapted their storefronts, created new business models to adapt to the changing requirements and shown resilience through unimaginable challenges and uncertainty.

But it is not all good news…

Focusing on the larger spectrum of our city, we are unfortunately far from done with COVID-19 and associated implications. As infection numbers rise and our health system grapples with the possibility of an impending spike our local economy is in flux.

Even with extraordinary innovation and resilience, the challenges continue. Santa Cruz County Business Council Director Executive director Robert Singleton notes that among the businesses hit hardest;

“Consumer facing businesses like restaurants and retail are facing an existential crisis right now. Not only did the Governor just close indoor dining statewide on Monday, but most businesses that rely on sustained indoor activity just aren't feasible for the foreseeable future out of concerns for public health. What's worse, is that the timeline for any meaningful return to normal is more uncertain than it's ever been–with cases reaching their highest levels yet–and even accelerating! So most small business owners are hemorrhaging money, have run out of financial assistance like PPP loans and other short term financial assistance, and because of supply shortfalls and structural constraints, are now being tasked with handling contract tracing on a storefront to storefront level.”

According to Santa Cruz County Administrative Officer Carlos Palacios, during a budget hearing this week.

“At this time, we expect the COVID-19 pandemic to result in double the impact to county revenues of the Great Recession” of 2008-09, he wrote in the proposed budget.

As restrictions and dramatic shifts in consumer behavior continue in the wake of the virus, our community is feeling the strain. Though through unprecedented initiatives and collaboration, we push onward, together.

“We have seen incredible collaboration and support between businesses and the community. The Get Virtual program has been invaluable in pairing tech volunteers and students with business owners to provide access to technology support to bring their businesses online and create new ways for customers to access their services in the need for more low-touch and no-touch business operations.” Santa Cruz Economic Development Director Bonnie Lipscomb

To support those hit hardest by the pandemic and its side effects, Santa Cruz Works organized the Ride Out the Wave campaign, channeling over $432,000 to support local businesses. See California State Treasurer Ma Recognizes Santa Cruz Works.

As our state mandated Shelter in Place order continues and local government moves to provide support, the challenges are numerous. Though in the face of this adversity we continue onward, working toward community wide improvements.

By providing current information and opportunities for engagement, Santa Cruz Works is bringing us together, helping to highlight important solutions, and working toward a better future for our local business community.

Join our upcoming webinar:

And clinics:

Additionally, local CEO’s from our favorite businesses have had the opportunity to provide each other with support in CEO Works, a peer-to-peer private group wherein advice always comes from like-minded people solving real problems.

View Past Events:

And specific clinics to help local business professionals:

Update: You Can Help

UCSC’s vaccine is in the testing phase. If you are able and willing, apply to be a test subject. You could save thousands and thousands of lives. APPLY