Become a Mentor: Shape the Future of Innovation

Are you an experienced professional with deep industry expertise looking to make a real impact on the next generation of entrepreneurs? Join our accelerator program as a mentor and provide invaluable guidance to our startups.

Our mentors are high-value sounding boards, offering essential advice on refining business models, making key connections, and navigating startup challenges. We value active participation and enthusiastic support, which are crucial for the success of our startups.

As an investment, the program involves a fee of $250. However, this fee can be waived for mentors who are only seeking to help entrepreneurs rather than for financial gain.

Mentors are required to provide a minimum of 4 hours of free consultation per startup of their choice. They should have extensive knowledge in areas such as IP, legal, marketing, sales, engineering, finance, regulatory, operations, commercialization, R&D, and relevant vertical industry expertise, including finance, healthcare, manufacturing, environment, biotech, and energy.

The benefits of becoming a mentor include early access to promising ventures, opportunities to build relationships with founders, a pipeline for future business opportunities, and a listing in our accelerator platform for business plan review, direct connections, and scheduling with founders. Mentoring allows you to make a significant impact by contributing to the success of budding entrepreneurs and startups, and there is also the potential for a tax write-off for a 501c6 business operations expense (consult your CPA).

Become a mentor today and help shape the future of innovation. Your expertise and guidance can be the key to a startup's success.