New Santa Cruz Startup: PitchHub

PitchHub developed a Teleprompter based on user feedback while developing their online editing software and service.

With so many different devices out there to focus on, they chose to make theirs a web based Teleprompter application, instead of having the end-user downloading an app.

PitchHub’s makes it easy for someone to open up a web browser on their iPad or tablet, computer or phone and to be able to create edit and then hit the ‘Studio Mode’ icon to initiate the teleprompter.

PitchHub developed the features of this teleprompter based on working with hundreds busy professionals creating videos. Some of these features include voice activation which the teleprompter will follow along with the sound of your voice or Auto scroll which keeps pace with the person reading a script. 

Additional KEY features:

  • Time delay, so as your presenting, especially by yourself the teleprompter will kick into action once you ready to present.

  • Font Size Adjustment

  • Bookmarking (Overlooked feature for longer videos)

Key Hardware for Teleprompting with a Smart Phone and/or DSLR

Coming Soon:

  • Live Control with another device

  • Video preview and playback on the

  • Video preview of the presenter from the iPad/Tablet

Contact Andrew at for more details or schedule a demo (

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