PayStand Welcomes Alexandra Navarro

Aliyah Nance, Alexandra Navarro

Santa Cruz Works celebrated the announcement of PayStand’s newest hire: Alexandra “Alex” Navarro. Alex has been a key contributor in our community starting at Digital NEST, and more recently at Latinas in Tech. We asked her about this career move.

SCW: What inspired the career move?

Alex: When I thought about the next step in my career, I wanted to continue to be a CSO in a place where innovation, equity, impact, technology, and my skills could work together.

SCW: Why PayStand?

Alex: Three specific reasons:

  • First, PayStand’s product and projection. Their use of disruptive technology generates impact in the Fintech world, and the growth potential is very exciting.

  • Second, after having worked in the nonprofit world and corporate world for the last 20 years, I realized that generating social, economic impact and equity could also be done through the corporate world. I want to leverage my experience and skills in a growing company like PayStand.

  • The last but not least reason, after 20 years of hard work, I climbed to a C-level executive. I would like my life story to be a source of inspiration for the Latino community, especially for women, because it is possible to achieve a C-level being an immigrant, Latino, and a woman.

Alex was a 2019 Titan of Tech and a Santa Cruz Works job referral.