Smart Coast California at Blue Innovation Day 2024

Events like Blue Innovation Day 2024 are important opportunities to share knowledge and resources on Coastal changes. Informed communities make better choices and plans as Sea Level Rise and Climate Change are happening. The collaborations and exchanges happening in California today will influence the rest of the coastal states and global policies as well. We need to exchange ideas, and stories of what is working around the state and globe more often. By doing so the public becomes aware of the issues and options.

Smart Coast California’s Annual Policy Summits on "One California, One Coast," delve into sea level rise. The Summits are successful in bringing together elected and appointed officials, scientists, planners, engineers, attorneys, real estate professionals and coastal stakeholders. We are experiencing climate change which is transforming our beaches, ports, and recreational resources and if left unchecked, we could lose our precious coastline. Therefore, it is important to work together with local and state agencies to ensure both our rights as property owners and visitors are protected. There are multiple strategies to adapt to this ever-changing climate, which is causing sea level rise, but not all of them are in the best interest for property owners,
local governments, businesses, or visitors.

Our mission at Smart Coast California is to foster a robust and balanced dialogue on smart land-use planning along the California Coast. We focus on education, collaboration, and sharing resources to inform effective decision-making in our coastal communities. This year, we're excited to unveil our dynamic policy Summits are specifically designed to spark healthy dialogue and deliver thought-provoking content and guidance.

Smart Coast California encourages local municipalities and state agencies to listen to all their stakeholders and understand that there are numerous strategies today to address sea level rise, verses mandatory “managed retreat”. If we “retreat” and abandon our coastline, where will we live? We need to utilize all resources available to ensure we keep our coastline beautiful andaccessible.

Our board was formed in 2019; all are professionals and concerned citizens who desire to promote the latest research and data and sharing stories of tested solutions. We invite you to learn more about us, become involved by following, joining and sponsoring: