Tech Care Now Offers GTM Strategies and Services

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John Dicconson, CEO of TCN moved to the Monterey Bay Area from San Francisco in the year 2000 to join a language services company, immerse in the local business ecosystem and enjoy a healthier work-life balance. John is an avid tennis player and enjoys hikes with his family and friends. Let’s learn more about TCN. 

He and his partner founded TCN in 2010 to help small and medium size companies (SME) build and/or refine their business strategies and go to market plans all the way through contemplation and realization of an exit strategy (when relevant). What makes TCN unique is linking a large part of our participation and business model into the execution of the strategy we help build or refine.

TCN has many core services including highly collaborative efforts with our clients developing and delivering business plans, marketing strategies (all “5 P’s”), sales channels strategies, financial planning, business and corporate development execution and executive coaching. When asking John why the broad approach to planning and execution support, he said “As a CEO several times, I’ve learned how interconnected planning and execution are to the success of most businesses. We want to help our clients succeed over the lifecycle of their business and have found our approach works”.

One example of a recent success is Live Wall Media (“LWM”). Company needed diverse input from independent sources to evaluate current direction and make introductions to individuals and companies that could contribute to the acceleration of revenue and profit and impact the valuation of the company. 

  • Helped CEO refine existing Business and Go-to-Market Plan

  • Evaluated and made recommendations to the ongoing operating plan

  • Introduced company to business development opportunities

  • Build Advisory Board

  • Helped CEO raise capital in the debt and equity markets

  • Renegotiated vendor agreements that contributed to a gross margin increase of 20%

  • Made business introductions that contributed to sales revenue increase of 40% for last quarter

  • Supported changes in product roadmap to reflect changes in anticipated consumption of company’s solution, resulting in investor interest

  • Advisory Board made sales performance recommendations that have improved forecast accuracy by 25%

To learn more about Tech Cares Now, Inc. head over to their website.

Matthew Swinnerton