Santa Cruz Works

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The PitchHub Video Strategy Sessions to Grow Your Business

PitchHub makes your life with video easier for professionals to grow your business. We started right here in Santa Cruz with our first office on River St.

As a way to support our local community we’re hosting media strategy sessions to review your current projects and future goals you have. You will meet with our team and we’ll discuss how you could grow your business with video, media and digital marketing strategies. 

Who should attend? 

We are excited to meet with local business owners, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, online products and services offerings and local brick and mortar businesses. Feel free to bring previous media assets or plans you are working on now.

What’s included:

A private strategy sessions of about 30 minute with a PitchHub team member.

A discount code to try PitchHub video platform including our ClipPress™ Studio and Teleprompter software.

Reserve here:

Address: 223 River St. 1st floor, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (parking available)