There Is Hope

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By Andreas Mueller - Chief Strategist at Bloofusion, Inc.

There is hope. I found something immensely encouraging and I would like to share it with you. 

Every day I’m thankful that individuals, companies, political representatives, medical staff, service industry workers and more are investing so much of their time and resources to help flatten the curve of our anxiety.

But honestly, when things get tough, a wave of stress hits me squarely in the chest and I look at potential worst-case outcome scenarios. That’s my German side. ;)

But I also start searching for creative solutions. That’s my American side. There has to be some straw, branch, log or, better, a raft we can cling to instead of letting the churning vortex drag us into the eternal abyss. OK, so part of my German side was coming out again. Apologies. 

Then I began to ruminate: Hey, you survived the dot com collapse. The financial crisis of 2008 hardly even affected Bloofusion. And currently our business is stronger than ever. What gives? 

The answer was right in front of me. It’s the Internet! 

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Matthew Swinnerton