45 Emerging Technology Stats to Know in 2020


Originally posted in HubSpot

With all the technologies out there, it's hard to cut through online chatter and determine which innovations are mostly just hype and which might actually change the way we market.

While many of the major emerging technologies are getting more accessible, you could also still be wondering, "Which might be worth investing in for my industry specifically?" For example, if you run a B2B firm, you might realize augmented reality isn't a practical technology to research. But, at the same time, you might look into AI software or services that can help your team work more efficiently or learn more about customers.

To give you a bird's eye view of some of the most buzzed-about innovations that could impact marketers in the near or distant future, I've collected 45 stats related to four types of emerging technology.

Augmented and Virtual Reality

For years, researchers have hypothesized that virtual reality, which provides viewers a completely immersive and interactive 360-degree visual experience, will hold the best opportunities in gaming, entertainment, and academic industries.

Meanwhile, experts have also thought that augmented reality, a partially immersive but still interactive experience, will thrive in the world of branding and marketing.

We have already seen these AR and VR predictions come to fruition as thegaming industry continues to announce games for VR headsets and brands have used AR to allow customers to preview products -- such as furniture -- in their own homes.

Here are 14 stats that demonstrate the growth and opportunities of AR and VR.

  • The AR/VR market is currently estimated at $1.6 billion (IDC)

  • In 2019, 42.9 million people in the US used a VR product, and 68.7 million people used an AR once monthly. (eMarketer)

  • Seven in ten media planners want to add AR to their strategies in the future. (Vibrant Media)

  • In a 2018 study based in the U.K. and U.S., 90% of participants knew what VR was while only 65% were aware of what AR was. (GlobalWebIndex)

  • 42% of people who use a VR headset at least monthly say they used a mid-range device such as the Google Daydream or Samsung Gear VR. (GlobalWebIndex)

  • In 2018, 88% of companies with budgets between $100 million and $1 billion were already experimenting with different forms of AR. (Deloitte)

  • A quarter of VR users believe it has a strong potential for brands and marketers. (GlobalWebIndex)

  • While 43% of people who report using VR headsets once monthly say they own their own device, 35% of once-monthly VR users say they use a family or friend's device. (GlobalWebIndex)

  • 71% of consumers would prefer to shop at stores with an AR experience (Lumus Vision)

  • 64% of consumers say VR has the most potential in gaming, while 52% recognize its potential in Film and TV. (GlobalWebIndex)

45 Emerging Technology Stats to Know in 2020.png

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Matthew Swinnerton