Professor Gary Griggs to Lead Workshop on Coastal Erosion at Blue Innovation Day 2024

Professor Gary Griggs

Professor Gary Griggs is a widely respected Distinguished Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences at UC Santa Cruz, with an illustrious career dedicated to understanding and mitigating the impacts of coastal processes, especially erosion. His research has been crucial in raising awareness about the dynamic nature of coastlines, and his findings have provided guidance for coastal management across the globe.

A Legacy of Research and Expertise

Professor Griggs has authored numerous papers, reports, news columns, and is a co-author of thirteen books on how natural processes, such as wave action, storm surges, and rising sea levels, affect coastal environments. His extensive research on the effects of climate change on coastal regions has made him a leading voice in shaping sustainable responses to the challenges these areas face.

Griggs has not only contributed to the academic community but has also been a key figure in public policy discussions and has become one of the foremost experts on coastal erosion and sea-level rise. He has worked with governments, advising on how to manage coastal infrastructure, protect ecosystems, and ensure that coastal communities are prepared for the challenges of the future. His wealth of knowledge and commitment to education have made him an invaluable resource for understanding the complex relationship between the ocean and the land.

Why Coastal Erosion Matters Now More Than Ever

Coastal erosion is not a new phenomenon—it has been happening for thousands of years. However, as Professor Griggs will explain in his workshop at Blue Innovation Day on October 6, the rate and severity of this erosion are being exacerbated by modern factors. Rising sea levels are gradually changing coastlines, but in the short term, it’s the extreme events, like the powerful winter storms of the past few years, that have caused the most immediate damage. 950 miles of CA’s 1100 miles of coastline is eroding. Without a doubt, the lives and properties of the 32 million people who want to enjoy or live along the coast will be deeply impacted by erosion in this already tectonically active area.

Large waves coinciding with extreme high tides are responsible for significant coastal damage and erosion as we have seen here in Santa Cruz and neighboring Big Sur. In fact, many of the worst instances of coastal storm damage have occurred under these conditions. As we look forward, it becomes clear that these events are not only becoming more frequent but also more intense due to climate change.

Adaptation and the Future

Professor Griggs’ message is clear: while our options for responding to coastal erosion and extreme events are limited, we must focus on adaptation. The future holds continued coastal change, and the decisions we make now will determine how well we can protect our coastlines and communities. During the workshop, attendees will gain valuable insights into potential strategies for managing this inevitable change and how to make informed choices about coastal adaptation.

Why You Should Attend

The Coastal Erosion workshop at Blue Innovation Day on October 6, 2024 at 12:00pm will offer a unique opportunity to hear directly from one of the world’s leading experts on coastal processes. Whether you are a coastal manager, policy-maker, or simply someone with a keen interest in protecting coastal environments, this workshop will provide crucial knowledge on the challenges ahead and the possible solutions.

Professor Gary Griggs' depth of experience and engaging approach make this workshop a must-attend for anyone concerned about the future of our coastlines. Don't miss this chance to learn from a pioneer in coastal science and to be part of the conversation on how we can adapt to the changing realities of our shores.