How to Create and Distribute a Press Release in Minutes

Okay, picture this - our friend Mark Willaman from Newsworthy.AI, like a master chef in his digital kitchen, rustling up a video on the meaty subject of the role and impact of press releases for companies and their unharnessed potential on his platform.

In the Mark-narrated guided tour of this digital Disneyland, we are introduced to the rollercoaster ride that is a press release on Newsworthy.AI - a snazzy headline, the option to get all podcasty with an audio alternative, a snappy summary, and key takeaways birthed by the love-child of artificial intelligence and human approval. These auto-conjured wisdom nuggets are whipped up into a video news smoothie, garnished with images uploaded by the companies themselves.

These press releases are then rocket-launched into the digital stratosphere, hitting up roughly 400 websites and newsrooms, which makes sure Google News is like, "Hey, look at this!"

But here comes the plot twist. Newsworthy.AI throws a trusted redirect feature into the mix. It lets companies self-host their press releases, letting them grab the reins of the customer journey and open the floodgates to website traffic and those oh-so-coveted SEO backlinks. They've also got a respect for the sanctity of press releases, logging them on the blockchain, making any alterations as obvious as a graffiti tag on a white wall.

Mark also introduces us to the platform's magical AI tool, capable of transforming blogs or articles into press releases faster than you can say "Abracadabra".

He gives us his two cents on how companies should put on their press release hats at least once a month, exploiting it as a marketing wizard's wand to amplify their brand's shout-out into the world. He provides a buffet of ideas - from showcasing the fresh faces in the team, celebrating milestone events, heralding webinars, to announcing product launches.

But There is More!

Once a press release is birthed, it's not just left naked. It can be spruced up with a headline, a quote, hyperlinks, categories, contact details, and media filters. Newsworthy.AI even offers a helping hand with social media suggestions, banners, and an email template for reaching out to your friendly neighborhood journalists.

And just when you thought Mark was done, he pulls out another rabbit from his hat. Newsworthy.AI's platform boasts a feature that allows companies to gather a crowd of supporters, who get pinged when a press release is published, nudging them to hit the share button. It also serves up a media pitch feature to help you locate journalists and their emails for that personal touch in outreach.

Once your press release is live and kicking, you can access your clipping report to trace its digital footprint. And although the platform can't provide you a magnifying glass to scrutinize engagement yet, they're working to offer insights into how many eyeballs have landed on your press release across different websites.

See For Yourself

And then, like the cherry on the cake, Mark pulls back the curtain and shows us, in real-time, how to cook up a press release for Santa Cruz Works. And boy, were we in awe! The resulting surge in coverage from news outlets was a tidal wave that surpassed the combined impact of the past five years' worth of press releases. We were speechless! Check it out! Santa Cruz Works UCSC Award Press Release

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