Innovation Rocks and Raps!
“Innovation often involves learning new tools and processes while creating your ‘new thing’. This can seem daunting, especially when you are only given three weeks to do it.”
Steve Skotzke, Marketing Lecturer at Santa Clara University, rocked his Fall 2023 Innovation and New Product Marketing class with a unique application of music and AI.
The Assignment
Seven groups of students had a tight three-week window to:
Download and learn Pro Tools Sketch, a new songwriting software by Avid Technology.
Create songs, each lasting a minimum of 2 minutes.
This hands-on experience, conducted in collaboration with Avid Technology, allowed the groups to be among the early adopters of Pro Tools Sketch. They provided valuable feedback to Avid through surveys, reports, and presentations, which will aid Avid in future research and development efforts.
The students' achievements exceeded expectations, resulting in impressive songs and captivating AI-generated cover art.
The Results
Group 1 Song: “Mercedes Flow”
Created by: Brodrick Laird, Bronson Laird, Duke Lindsey, Julia Loeger and Kevin Thursby
Group 2 Song: “Sink or Swim”
Created by the “Marketing Mega Steppas”: Jaida Da Luz, Brendan Mulvany, Harrison Shaw, and Justin Wu
Group 3 Song: “ “Finding Within””
Created by: “The Journey Makers”: Travis Chang, Caroline Chen, Emily Han and Betty Nguyen
Group 4 Song: “Warehouse Groove”
Created by: David Elfrink, Sarah Kim, Norelisa Nascimento and Lily Ontiveros
Group 5 Song: “Posse of 5”
Created by: Charlize Beronilla, Rachel Lambros, Shiv Patel, Kaile Schiel and Hugh Veline
Group 6 Song: “Into the Unknown”
Created by: Claire Allen, Will Butler, Annie Glassmeyer and Quinlan Van de Voorde
Group 7 Song: “Football x SCU”
Created by: Byron Hansen, Scott Matton, Maxwell Nelson, Ty Yamashita
The Winners
The first and very coveted “Wonky Awards” were given as follows:
Best Overall Song: Group 5, “Posse of 5”
Best Rap Song: Group 1, “Mercedes Flow”
Most Inspirational Song: Group 6, “Into the Unknown”
Best Lyrics: Group 5, “Posse of 5”
Best Instrumental Song: Group 3, “Finding Within”
Best EDM Song: Group 4, “Warehouse Groove”
Best Sampling in a Song: Group 2, “Sink or Swim”
Best Sports Themed Song: Group 7, “Football”
Best Cover Art: Group 6: “Into the Unknown”
Big Thanks to…
JC Haydon, Senior Director at Avid Technology and an SCU graduate alum, for this tremendous- and fun- opportunity for experiential learning
The Customer Care Team at Avid Technology for their assistance
Scot Hanna-Weir, Music Department Chair, for assisting the groups in song composition and more!
SCU Media Services Department for loaning us the iPads
Abby Grimm, Music Director – KSCU, 103.3 FM for her time and efforts in meeting with me and getting the students’ songs played on air
Congratulations to ALL Stevie Wonky’s students for all their outstanding work, stepping outside their comfort zones and learning many new tools and processes in developing a new product of their own- which got launched!