Push Start Auto: Make Money From Your Car

PushStartAuto founders, Andrea and Tyeasha Harris in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida celebrating their 11th wedding anniversary.

PushStartAuto founders, Andrea and Tyeasha Harris in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida celebrating their 11th wedding anniversary.

Today, American consumers have over $1.3 trillion in auto loan debt and that number continues to increase every year. Most vehicles sit in the garage or driveway for 23 hours a day depreciating and incurring monthly expenses. But what if it didn’t have to be that way?

Corporate entrepreneurs, Andre Harris and Tyeasha Harris, are seeking to change the perception that vehicles are an added expense and have developed a platform to shake up the automotive industry. In 2018, the couple created a platform called Push Start Auto (PSA) that turns vehicles into an asset that can be leveraged to generate monthly cash flow.

Push Start Auto is a peer-to-peer and month-to-month car leasing platform built to help consumers find affordable and flexible leasing options. PSA empowers car owners to act as a traditional dealer would by offering month-to-month vehicle leases to interested consumers,  automobile crowdfunding, and car-sharing options. Andre and Tyeasha have tested this out successfully with their own vehicle and have since expanded to over 140+ vehicles.

How does PSA work?

The Push Start Auto platform is designed to provide buyers and sellers with a fully comprehensive marketplace through a free app. Sellers and consumers are walked through a full transaction process and have the ability to list their vehicles on the platform for free or search for vehicles at the click of a button.

For car owners (sellers), PSA can offer flexible month-to-month leasing contracts and lease-to-own options on a peer-to-peer basis. In order to determine if the buyer is a good fit, car owners also have access to verify a buyer's income and basic demographic information similar to a car dealer. They also receive 1m liability insurance per vehicle. 

For consumers (buyers), there are no long-term commitments as consumers can engage in highly flexible leasing options through verified sellers without having to deal with the traditional dealership process or vehicle maintenance costs. They offer unique lease-to-own options where buyers can pay their normal monthly payment and after a specific amount of time will retain ownership of the vehicle with a seamless transfer of title all through the marketplace. There are no large upfront insurance and car registration costs as these expenses have already been completed for the buyer. 

PSA also offers equity-based crowdfunding that enables investors to invest in automobiles in all 50 states via digital dealerships on the company's platform. The cars that are funded by the members will be listed on the PSA app, and each time the vehicles are leased out, the members will receive revenue shares based on their membership.

Unlike its competitors, Push Start Auto is the only true peer to peer and month to month platform that offers the lease to own option, vehicle investment fleets, and has predictable cash flow. Push Start Auto is currently looking to obtain 5,000 car listers on the app by October 2021 and are seeking financial investors to grow the business. The PushStartAuto app is available on both Apple App store and the Google Play store. For more information please contact contact@pushstartauto.com.