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Regional Economic Summit: Registration Now Open!

Panelists to Address Climate Change in the Context of COVID-19

MBEP's 6th Annual Regional Economic Summit brings together community, business, and civic leaders to explore issues important to our region’s economic health. As climate change continues to transform business as usual, this year's panel discussion will focus on the risks and opportunities of climate change on our businesses and communities, and organizational responses to the implications of climate change in the wake and subsequent impacts of COVID-19. Panelists in energy, agriculture, technology, hospitality and government will share some of the adaptive and mitigative measures they are taking now for others to glean from to make their own organizations and our communities more resilient. 

Featured panelists include Elise Brentnall, President & COO, South Valley Internet; Karl Rice, CEO, Santa Cruz Seaside Company; Mike Garcia, Director of Berry Production, Driscoll's; and Rene Mendez, City Manager, City of Gonzales. The discussion will be moderated by J.R. Killigrew, Monterey Bay Community Power's Director of Communications & Energy Programs. As a representative of a locally controlled public agency of 32 member agencies across the Central Coast that supports economic vitality, Killigrew is uniquely qualified to lead this discussion. (See 'MBEP Members Stepping Up" article below to learn what MBCP is doing to ease the burden on consumers)

The panel discussion will examine some of the most challenging and relevant issues of the moment: how climate change is still relevant to an organization's work in the midst of an epidemic crisis; the impact it's having on our region's industry sectors and cities; how those organizations are adapting to and addressing these issues, and what could be done to promote climate action efforts while balancing emergent needs and post-pandemic effects. Panelists will share regional collaboration and resiliency efforts, looking at both the risks and opportunities, any big-picture lessons in the midst of what began as a health crisis, as well as actions organizations and governments could take to align our immediate pandemic response with the imperatives of sustainability.  

Register on Eventbrite to be part of this compelling conversation, and to learn more about the rest of the Summit's lineup. Our Regional Economic Summit is a vital way to get involved and informed about big issues that impact our region, and will also feature Chris Thornberg, founder of Beacon Economics and one of the most respected economic forecasters, on the "Economic Impact of Coronavirus," and former U.S. Census Director Vince Barabba on the "Importance of Census Complete Count." Lightning Rounds will feature Covia HomeShare CEO Karen Coppock on "Many Benefits of HomeShare" and Live Earth Farm CEO Tom Broz on "Our Food Ecosystem."

For sponsorship opportunities, contact Freny Cooper at