Santa Cruz Public Libraries - A Business Resource and Tech Hub

At first you might not think that a library is a resource for a business or startup. And if that’s the case, well…think again! The Santa Cruz Public Libraries are here to support the Santa Cruz tech ecosystem. We had the chance to sit down and talk with Santa Cruz Public Libraries Interim Executive Director, Eric Howard, and President of the Board of the Friends of the Santa Cruz Public Libraries and former Deputy Director, Janis O'Driscoll, to discuss how the Santa Cruz Public Libraries are here for our community.

Not only do they have programs to help startups and business but they also provide tech help to individuals through resume building, distribution of Wi-Fi Hotspots, instructional events and computer assistance.

In this video you will hear about many of the services and activities the library provides.

To learn more:

Santa Cruz Public Libraries:

Friends of Santa Cruz Public Libraries:

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