Save Our Shores at Blue Innovation Day 2024

Save Our Shores works to foster thriving and sustainable ecosystems in the Monterey Bay and surrounding habitats through equitable environmental action. From policy change to educational programs, we’re ensuring ocean conservation throughout the community. Our programs and projects are designed to support the foundations of clean, healthy shores and a thriving Monterey Bay for all.

Our history is deeply woven into the creation of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. We have prevented offshore oil drilling in the greater Monterey Bay area, continuously combatted plastic pollution, ended illegal sand mining along our Sanctuary’s shores and so much more. 

Our education programs help students discover their connection with the bay, build healthy eco-identities, and become environmental stewards of our coasts and oceans. We offer 3-part education programs for K-12, educational beach cleanups, and after school field trips through our Junior Sanctuary Stewards program.

Save Our Shores’ adult volunteer program, Sanctuary Stewards, provides a space for committed community members to get involved in environmental protection, community science and education. Our work would not be possible without these Stewards and the help of individual community members who donate time and resources to support Save Our Shores’ mission.

On the advocacy front we have been collaborating with community groups and organizations such as the Tobacco Education Coalition, Ciggy Surfboard, and Surfrider Foundation, as well as with representatives from jurisdictions around the County of Santa Cruz to end the sale of single-use cigarette filters. Cigarette filters are the most recognized trash item found during cleanup events along our coast. While we support everyone’s right to engage in legal activities, we do not support the illegal toxic littering of our beaches and public spaces that impact all of us.

We believe events like Blue Innovation bring together artists, scientists and community members from different professional and personal backgrounds within communities, providing diverse perspectives of the issues at hand and with that, innovative solutions. Community events like this allow us to build relationships, foster connections, and raise awareness about important issues through education and encouraging community members to get involved. These events are important as they bring together diverse groups of people, promote inclusivity and foster engagement, which leads to stronger community identity, collaboration, and involvement. 

Save Our Shores is excited to be part of Blue Innovation and look forward to engaging with the community, businesses, and organizations that are working towards ocean conservation and sustainability.