Webinar: Solar Dividends

Basic guaranteed income pilot programs around the world have demonstrated their effectiveness in improving the lives of low-income recipients. But all current basic income programs are short-term pilot programs, so the benefits end after a year or two, leaving recipients without the support on which they depend to lift them out of poverty.

“Solar Dividends” offers a new and innovative way to provide continuing funding for these programs without relying on private foundations or public taxes.  Solar Dividends taps into the sun’s energy, which falls on everyone, to generate revenues from  the sale of solar electricity.

Learn more about Solar Dividends during a webinar in which Robert Stayton, the creator of Solar Dividends, will explain the concept and how it works.  If you are interested in the potential benefits of solar electricity for low-income households across the United States and the World, this webinar should not be missed!

When: July 17, 2024, 10-11 AM Pacific Daylight Time

Registration (not required) at: https://www.eventbrite.com/x/933618988527/

Webinar link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82277700674

This webinar is organized and sponsored by the Sustainable Systems Research Foundation, a non-profit green project incubator in Santa Cruz, California.  Learn more about SSRF at https://sustainablesystemsfoundation.org/.  The webinar will be recorded for later viewing.

Doug Erickson