#TBT: Guy Kawasaki at The SC New Tech - Enchantment

This video was filmed at Santa Cruz New Tech back in May of 2014 at The Del Mar in Santa Cruz with Guy Kawasaki .

Santa Cruz New Tech and Bookshop Santa Cruz presented An Evening with Guy Kawasaki LIVE at the Del Mar Theatre. Kawasaki talked about the subject of his tenth book: Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions - how to influence what people will do while maintaining the highest standards of ethics. Guy's presentation was about how to "enchant" customers in all industries and verticals, from hospitality to healthcare to finance to tech and more.

It’s amazing how time goes by so fast and that this event was over 6 years ago. Our commitment to you is to keep putting on great events like this (in person when we are able to and until then virtually), keep bring in amazing speakers and covering topics that are important to you. Check out our upcoming events in our calendar or on our New Tech page.

We don’t only report the news, we make the news.

Matthew Swinnerton