Post Pandemic Launch at Cosmic


From the new Cosmic website

We just launched a new brand and website, our team's going distributed longterm, and we're deepening our commitment to the social impact sector.

Today, we're officially unveiling our new brand and website. Our launch represents the beginning of the next chapter at Cosmic, as we refine our focus and deepen our commitment to the social impact sector.

Just over two years ago, we announced our shift to working exclusively with social impact organizations. Since then we've learned a ton, sharpened our perspectives on branding and communications for this sector, and worked with some of the most saavy and selfless teams in the world.

Today, we are making a pledge to further develop our expertise in this area and to leverage the power of strategy, design, and digital experiences to empower our clients to catalyze positive change.

We are in the midst of a global shift in awareness of the structural inequities of our modern society, but we are hopeful for the potential it creates for massive, fundamental progress.

It's more clear than ever how issues like global climate change, social/economic/racial inequities, failing education systems, and crumbling healthcare infrastructure are not distinct issues, but inextricably interrelated systems that require fundamental rethinking and restructuring to meet the needs of our modern global society.

We have all experienced a lot of challenges and change in the past few months—some of us more than others. Amongst those challenges, we are grateful to have helped many brave clients move from uncertainty to innovation around fundraising, organizing, advocacy, and moving their missions forward.

We are grateful and proud to have the trust and support of our clients across the globe fighting for climate justicepreventing the spread of misinformation onlineprotecting indigenous peoples' rightscreating more equitable communitiesreimagining our ocean's future, and many others.

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Matthew Swinnerton