What Does a Biden-Harris White House Mean for Tech?

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Written by Susan Mahil and Doug Erickson

Predictions by Santa Cruz Works

We predict the tech agenda for a Biden-Harris White House will be:

  1. Fund pandemic relief for businesses, testing, and cures.

  2. Re-instate net-neutrality providing non-discriminatory access for all.

  3. Fight climate change by funding research on clean energy, e-mobility, infrastructure, etc.

  4. Re-examine Section 230 protections for content platforms like Facebook, and support more stringent responsibility and regulations.

  5. Re-examine limits of high-skilled immigration.

The Nation and Santa Cruz

After every presidential election, it is difficult to determine how the newly elected candidate will prioritize issues and policies for the well-being and benefit of the nation. In regards to the tech industry, President-Elect Joe Biden has proposed that the goal for tech and innovation policy is to engage the American government in more regulation, spending, and multilateralism. According to Biden, “if we make smart investments in manufacturing and technology, give our workers and companies the tools they need to compete, use taxpayer dollars to buy American and spark American innovation, stand up to the Chinese government’s abuses, insist on fair trade, and extend opportunity to all Americans, many of the products that are being made abroad could be made here today.” Political changes come in parallel with the COVID-19 pandemic which has reinforced the need for public-private partnerships to provide support.

“The impact of the pandemic has generated a focus by the government at all levels to find ways to stimulate manufacturing innovation, resiliency, and develop the next-gen workforce that will enhance the transfer of technology.”  Jim Watson, President and CEO of California Manufacturing Technology Consulting (CMTC), Santa Cruz Works Partner

As we have also witnessed in the last few months, the increase of COVID-19 cases have continued to contribute to the economic shutdown that has created a crisis for all workers nationwide. Funding and research will be a top priority for the nation and world.

Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (ITIF) has predicted that the Biden-Harris administration will “increase funding for emerging tech R&D, re-skilling programs, and rural broadband infrastructure (or closing the digital divide).” Despite certain tensions, international trade policies will become much more favorable for tech companies in the long term. The incoming leadership is also in support of an increase for funding in renewable energy, such as auto electrification and EV charging stations, which align with the worldwide perspective to fight against the dangers of climate change. 

Biden plans on installing new management at the FCC and prioritize net neutrality, which was overturned by Trump in 2017. Across all platforms, there will be non-discriminatory access for all users for high speed internet access. The Trump administration focused on providing entry across the red states, when in fact there were 3 times more rural, blue communities that were suffering from the digital divide. Digital infrastructure will become a prioritized issue, especially subsidizing those in underserved areas. Biden has made plans to spend $20B in order to support schools and telemedicine

Tech in Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz and the tri-county area will continue to fight the pandemic.

“As colleagues, former Mayor Martine Watkins and I recognize that we have to be serious about problem-solving the economic stability issues COVID laid bare here in Santa Cruz. We have spoken with leaders in technology, climate adaptation, workforce development and with leaders at Cabrillo and the County Office of Education about growing a more sustainable economy and work force for Santa Cruz. Our ideas for green jobs resonate with Biden's platform in so many ways.” Donna Meyers, Vice Mayor of the City of Santa Cruz

In the long run, Santa Cruz can prioritize investing in grid modernization, which can support a zero-carbon economy, expansion of broadband networks to bridge the digital divide, technology innovation, job creation, and micro-grid deployment. By doing so, residents can save their dollars, and improve our communities resilience for the future.

In addition, the cannabis industry hopes that the Biden presidency will set the foundation for the end of federal prohibition and the beginning of a vibrant and legal American cannabis industry.

“While the cannabis industry has been operating under a veil of uncertainty since the onset of the legal market, we are hopeful that the upcoming change in presidency will provide more certainty in the form legal banking, decriminalization, and more reform at the state level.” Socrates Rosenfeld, CEO of Jane Technologies Inc. 

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