Ride Out the Wave is a volunteer campaign built to support our local Santa Cruz businesses in these challenging times. Our first campign was extremely successful and delivered over $20k to local businesses.
Next steps include plans for a new online event, a second campaign, and calls to more donors for even more matching funds. Please, send your ideas to help@rideoutthewave.org, spread the word on social media using #rideoutthewave and buy a gift card in the meantime. We love Santa Cruz!
Brought to you by local tech community volunteers through Santa Cruz Works with promotional support from Event Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Tech Beat, and the Santa Cruz Sentinel.
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Sponsoring Ride Out the Wave
You are all amazing! So much so that we reached our cap on the matching program. Last week you drove over $20K into local businesses! If you or someone you know would able to offer the next grant,
(don’t worry, we will do all the work).